Imagine a typical office in your mind. What do you see? Desks and cubicles with drones typing away at keyboards? Executives in corner offices practicing their putting skills and putting on conference calls? A dark, dreary place where the only source of joy and laughter seems to be the magical water cooler?
Well those days are over! And yes, we at
Roses and Blooms are to blame.
Tall, Lobby Style |
Please join us in welcoming our newest addition to our corporate arrangement lineup. We have this in both a tall, lobby style vase as well as a shorter, desk-style one. Now not only is this an absolutely gorgeous vase that blends elegance with simplicity, it also has a very practical role.
Shorter, Desk Appropriate Style |
For anyone who has ever bought a hydrangea before, this is a flower that is known for drooping and looking old very quickly. Ours, from our Dutch hydrangea breeders at Barthels, are a very different story. Instead of drooping, they simply dry up. At a quick glance, you aren't even able to tell that they have dried, they just keep their shape and continue looking great far beyond the normal lifespan of a hydrangea.
So what makes these hydrangea so different (other than their GORGEOUS colors of course)? Instead of being grown quickly and cheaply, these are designed to last. Each stem takes at least a year to produce. They grow slowly so they gain strength and nourishment. During that time, they also become enormous. Just look at the size of those heads!
At this time, we have these exclusive hydrangea available in pink, green, and hot pink. More colors will be coming in the future and we will be ready to use them to their fullest as well.
Before long, you can expect to see vases with these unique hydrangea in offices throughout New York. We will help the workers of the Big Apple expand beyond their cubes and see that beauty that nature has provided. If you think that your office could benefit from designs such as this on a weekly basis, bi-weekly or even for special events, please be sure to give Roses and Blooms a call at (212) 758 7673 and we will be happy to assist in creating beautiful designs at the appropriate budget for your company. We also do holiday decorating...we know it is early but it's never too early to start planning for the perfect holiday decor!